My Burning Man Experience 2022

That spot was incredible for its views, its atmosphere and everything going on around it made it the perfect spot for me to land. Even my tent was located right behind the stage so I could lay in my tent and enjoy the music coming from it.

There was something going on everywhere to put it very lightly. You couldn’t possibly be bored in a city like this and even the sky had art in it. One of my favorite things to catch was the drone show which totally caught you off guard if you didn’t know what it was. This particular night, they had a game of Galaga up in the sky in front of the dome and it really triggered some childhood memories of playing it at the arcade. That drone show was so amazing, I can’t imagine what it cost to produce it.

Drone art in front of the dome

Then, a moving bar would go by. It was like watching an alternate universe play out before your eyes.

Bar art car just driving by

Life around the dome was fun. The people involved with the camp had intoxicating energy that just permeated love, connecttion and art. I loved their enthusiam and thrived off watching everyone feel like they were in their element. Being able to hear a set from Dj Kandi Mandi was so delightful and a joy to dance to.