My Burning Man Experience 2022

The setting was gorgeous. The tempoeratures by this point were lovely and the city started to come alive from everyone shading themselves from the sun. Just as we reached the temple.

One of the entrances to the temple
360 view of the Temple locaition
Seemed like we were out in the middle of nowhere

People converge within it to write things on the structure and place pictures of people they wanted to say goodbye to, to forgive or just plain to fuck off. I love the idea of a pilgramage of sorts to lay your woes to rest or to give space to the love once present in the people they’d lost.

Memorials placed by individuals attending the burn
Temple entrances were facing the directions North, East, West and South.

As I entered the structure was an amazing use of wood and design. You felt the sacredness of the place from the vibe people around had. There was joy, pain, loss and community.

I love that this was the first place I set out to visit. I had heard so much about it that it was a whole other experience being there to observe it all. As the sun set the place lit up so beautifully and gave off a warm glow.

Inside the structure